
2014年2月14日、東京に記録的な大雪が降ったあの夜、東京国際バリトンサックス・フェスティバルは低く太い産声をあげました。交通機関が次々と運休するほどの大雪だったにもかかわらず、帽子や外套の肩に雪を載っけたお客さんが次々に来場し、気がつけばびっしりと詰まった客席を前に開催が叶ったのでした。“みんなこんなにバリトンサックスが好きなんだ”と確信した(勘違いした)私は来る年も来る年もこのバリトンサックスの饗宴(狂宴)を催し、とうとう10年目を迎えることに。大雪が降ろうとも10年が経とうともご来場下さる皆様のために、いかなるコンディションのお客様がご来場なさっても楽しめるフェスティバルを心がけています。恒例の岩下の新生姜とのコラボフードとともに、是非是非お楽しみ下さい。: 水谷紹 [東京中低域]

From the festival organiser

On 14 February 2014, the night of the heaviest snowfall on record in Tokyo, the Tokyo International Baritone Saxophone Festival was born with a low, fat birth cry. Despite the heavy snowfall that shut down traffic one after the other, the festival was able to take place in front of a packed house, as audience after audience arrived with snow on the shoulders of their hats and overcoat. Convinced (or mistakenly so) that "everyone loves the baritone saxophone so much", I continued to organise this baritone saxophone festival year after year, until it finally celebrated its tenth anniversary. No matter if it snows heavily or ten years have passed, I try to make the festival enjoyable for everyone who comes, no matter who they are. We hope you will enjoy the festival together with our regular food in collaboration with fresh ginger from Iwashita. : Akira Mizutani [Tokyo Chutei Iki]

・出演:B.L.O. feat.戸川純(イトケン、岩崎なおみ、水谷紹)/N/Y(新垣隆、吉田隆一)/Grégoire Tirtiaux/The Last Day of Winter(上野洋子、権藤知彦、阿佐美和正)/太平楽トリオ(四家卯大、田中邦和、佐藤直子)/渋さ知らズ劇場/時々自動/コールセラータ(上野洋子、佐藤優介、岩崎なおみ、柴田暦、居留守かりん他)/ワークショッパーズ/東京中低域(水谷紹、鬼頭哲、鈴木広志、東涼太、筒井洋一、山本昌人、宇田川寅蔵、永田こーせー、山中ヒデ之、井出崎優、佐藤敬幸)

・Featuring:B.L.O. feat. Jun Togawa (Itoken, Naomi Iwasaki, Akira Mizutani) / N/Y (Takashi Niigaki, Ryuichi Yoshida) / Grégoire Tirtiaux / The Last Day of Winter (Yoko Ueno, Tomohiko Gondo, Kazumasa Asami) / Taiheiraku Trio (Sika Udai, Kunikazu Tanaka, Naoko Sato) Shibusashirazu Theatre / Tokidokijido / Cole Serrata (Yoko Ueno, Yusuke Sato, Naomi Iwasaki, Reki Shibata, Karin Irusu and others) / The Workshoppers / Tokyo Chutei Iki (Akira Mizutani, Akira Kito, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ryota Higashi, Yoichi Tsutsui, Masato Yamamoto, Torazo Udagawa, Kosei Nagata, Hideyuki Yamanaka, Yu Idezaki, Takayuki Sato).

・Supported by Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyu Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture

Come and enjoy!

“I bet I'll be ordering three Iwashita's fresh ginger dishes every day during this festival.” Organizer : Akira Mizutani



Supported by Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyu Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture